The Ultimate Spring Slim Down!

“If you don’t change paths, you will continue down the same path”  -Chinese Proverb

The amazing weather we’ve had the last few days are a reminder to us that spring is here and summer is just around the corner.  That first walk outside with the warm sun on your face feels fantastic, but maybe you’re noticing that your pasty white arms aren’t as buff as they were last summer… maybe our shorts feel a little tight right now.  Perhaps we had one too many hot chocolates with whipped cream and marshmallows by the fireplace, perhaps the most physical activity we had during the rainy days involved working the tv remote… perhaps life is just cruel and our metabolism isn’t what it used to be– Whatever the reason, the muffin top is there and motivation to workout is not.  Well, carpe diem/look forwards not backwards/be thankful for our health etc. etc.  We can continue on the same path or do something about it!

Maureen Sullivan wanted to lose weight tried all the diets out there.  She was frustrated that the weight kept coming back. She did a lot of research and met with Dr. Seale Harris.  Dr. Harris performed studies on blood sugar and he concluded that the key to long-term weight loss was learning to eat in a way that stabilized blood sugar. Dr. Harris found that if blood sugar levels were kept in a stable range, that cravings disappeared and that it was actually easy to reach and maintain an optimal weight.  After studying the work of Dr. Harris, all the pieces came together and Maureen started a weight loss company called Lite For Life.  Here’s the best part: Lite For Life Menlo Park and Uforia have teamed up to create The Ultimate Spring Slim Down.

The Lite For Life counselors provide 1:1 customized consultations with you.  No group meetings, no kum-ba-ya sharing.  You can visit their office as often as you like.  They will teach you when to eat/how to eat in order to stabilize your blood sugar level and reduce cravings.  They believe in natural, fresh food to fit your lifestyle.  No chemicals or pre-packaged meals.  Vegan? Vegetarian? Flexitarian?  Not a problem.  Next add Uforia’s exercise component.  Exercise tones your body and helps you break through weight loss plateaus.  It also builds confidence and who doesn’t want those endorphin highs?   Think you can dance?  Zumba and uDance.  Prefer to spin?  uCycle.  Want intense interval training with low-impact exercises?  BarBlend.  How about just a basic no-frills workout?  uDefine.  Classes are available throughout the day, and when you make it a priority, you will find the time.  Why wouldn’t you want to look your best, get more energy and see your body transform in just 4 weeks?  Let’s change paths and be confident, cool and rocking our bathing suits!

To find out more about The Ultimate Slim Down:  On April 2nd 10-noon, Lite For Life Counselors will be at the Uforia Studio.

To join the Ultimate Slim Down program, call Uforia Studios (650)-329-8794 and Lite For Life Menlo Park (650) 323-5483.
